Version 1.1
6 months ago by Jerod Venema
Release date: Aug 31, 2024
This release incorporates Projects into the API via the CreateConversation endpoint. A full project management API is being considered for a future release, leave a comment if you're interested in that functionality.
When creating a conversation, there are four new settings available.
- projectExternalId: Optional. The external id of a project to associate this conversation with. If specified, will link this session into the specified project. Note that the external id is not visible to the end user, and is solely for use as a reference to an external system that created the project.
- projectName: Optional, default empty. Only used if projectAutoCreate is true, and no project with a matching projectExternalId was found. If not specified, will auto-generate a name using the pattern "Project [project external id]". Note that project names must be unique, so choose carefully.
- projectAutoCreate: Optional, default false. If no project with the specified projectExternalId exists, and this value is true, a project will be created using the specified projectExternalId and projectName. If this value is true, projectExternalId is required. If this value is false, and the projectExternalId is specified but does not exist, the request will fail and no data will be modified.
- projectCreateAsPubliclyShared: Optional, default false. If set, and this project is auto-created via the projectAutoCreate setting, the project will be made public and return the share URL in the create response response.
There are also four new properties available in the CreateConversation response.
- projectShareUrl: A url that points to the shared project; only available if the project has been shared.
- projectEmbeddedShareUrl: A url that points to the shared project as an embedded page that can be used in an iframe; only available if the project has been shared.
- projectId: The unique ID of the project.
- projectUrl: A url that points to the main project page.