Embedding media in a CRM

We often are asked about embedding media in a CRM system. There are three options for this. In all cases, you will want to grab the URL provided in the "Get Conversation" (or "Create Conversation") endpoint seen here: https://developer.liveswitch.com/reference/get_v1-conversations-id, which return either the "embeddedConversationUrl", "projectEmbeddedUrl", or "projectEmbeddedShareUrl" depending on your goal.

The "embeddedConversationUrl" links to a specific conversation. It includes any recordings in that conversation, along with notes, photos, and so on. This URL requires that the user has an account in LiveSwitch Contact or Concierge, and that they have authenticated this account.

The "projectEmbeddedUrl" links to a specific project. A project can contain multiple conversations. This URL requires that the user has an account in LiveSwitch Contact or Concierge, and that they have authenticated this account.

The "projectEmbeddedShareUrl" is the same as the "projectEmbeddedUrl", but only exists if a project has been shared. If this is the case, this URL does NOT require authentication to be viewed.

Note that you DO NOT want to store media links directly, as they can expire, new records can be added as new recordings are made, photos are modified (such as cropping or annotating), notes are added, labels are changed and so on.